Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Shah Naqshband on Intentions

He said,

"To correct the intentions is very important, because intentions are from the Unseen World, not from the Material World." "For that reason," he said, "Ibn Sireen (author of a book on the interpretation of dreams) didn't pray at the funeral prayer of Hasan al-Basri. He said, 'How can I pray when my intention has not yet reached me connecting me to the Unseen?'"

He continued,

"Intention (niyyah) is very important, because it consists of three letters: Nun, which represents Nurullah, the Light of God; Ya', which represents Yadullah, the hand of God; and Ha', which represents Hidayatullah, the Guidance of Allah. The niyyah is the Breeze of the Soul."

from www.naqshbandi.org/chain/17.htm

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