Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Living in the truest way

(Suhbah in 1999)

Man now is forced to come back to nature. 20th century civilization made him run away from nature, fighting it, killing it with such foolish factories, wasting supplies foolishly. Now the Lord is punishing man... Enough! Oceans have died, what is that? For what? For quick, fast wasting of everything. That is the base of economics: fast supply, fast wasting. No more can nature supply foolish mankind now. Therefore Allah Almighty is going to punish them, so that people should save even one cup of water, and not waste it. This is coming in our time... To wash one cup they are opening the tap and wasting half a gallon of water, and ladies put so much detergent. They must learn...

You must look after this point everywhere: don’t use high buildings, but come down and prepare simple houses for a simple life, and don’t waste anything. You must learn and try to come back to nature, so that nature is not fighting you. As much as you are fighting nature, nature is fighting you back... When you make peace with nature, nature will help you in your life. Perhaps then that foolish illness, AIDS, will disappear...

Look at crowded cities everywhere. It will be impossible to live in them in the 3rd millennium. People must go out to the countryside, dig wells and use them. And you must not throw away the fat of animals, because from it will be made candles. No more electricity; you can’t use lamps any more, no paraffin... Only torches, as before, burning and giving light. And fire-places should be used for cooking and heating inside. And you are going to wear and use your clothes much longer, not putting on a new dress every day or every week... Industry will be finished... You must think about it. This is important for everyone. If not, so many people are going to die...billions...

Even now, when sometimes they cut the electricity here for two hours or even only one hour, people go crazy. What about when it is cut for days and there is no hope for it to come back? If it is only cut for 1 hour we may have hope that it will finish, that it will be re-connected and come back. But at that time there will be no more hope for that power to come back again - finished. That is terrible... you won’t be able to use anything. People, who built their lives on computers, TV, radio and such things are going to die, because they will have no more hope for coming days...

We have hope, we are believers; we know that this is only a bridge from one side to another. Materialism is going to finish and die, and we are passing on a bridge to another point of life. Who is reaching that second life of this world should find that another source of power is coming into action... Therefore we are not hopeless, but hopeful! Only for a short distance you must pay attention, so that you may pass freely through that valley.

Everything depends on beliefs. Who doesn’t believe, you can’t make them believe. If they believe in spirituality through Islam, that will be useful for them. If they are materialist people, depending on material life and technology only, we will not use it on the other side, so there is no hope for them...

You are asking about your family and friends; they should carry many more difficulties in their life. My advice is to go to the countryside, where it is going to be more safe. Crowded places, cities, are going to be more dangerous. Don’t be near military bases, navy, airforce; run away from them. You must have a well because life depends on water. Without water, no life... and keep some animals, so that you may feed yourself with them. Live in simple houses. Try to come to a simple, natural life, not using TV and any of those technological instruments, because they are going to finish. And you must keep everything with care, so that you don’t waste what you have. Whoever wastes is going to finish...

When you are in the countryside you don’t have to stay in the house all day. You may move around, as Allah is ordering us to do... Don’t go to big cities, there are so many problems there- robbers, countless shaitanic groups. Everyone who is entering their places and closes the door with: “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim”, should be protected...

There is a Hadith that there will come a time when the sun will rise from the West, come up to the midday-place and set, as it was rising. So that for three days there will be no sunshine. That will be the last point for people to repent, the last door, then it will be closed...
May Allah forgive us and bless you... Fatiha.

from 'Bridge to Eternity' by Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, compiled by Khairiyah Siegel.

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